
Birthing Guide For Dads

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Birthing Guide For Dads

New-moms get scared as labour approaches and they become unsure in their capability to give birth and they might even get panicky. It is okay for to-be-fathers to feel anxious as well. However, if you prepare yourself well in advance then you can play a very critical role in providing support to the pregnant mother. Read on further to know how you can help your partner during pregnancy and delivery –

Should we take Lamaze Classes? How helpful is yoga in pregnancy?

Lamaze classes help pregnant mothers in pain management, increasing confidence in her capability to give birth and provide information on interventions. They also help fathers prepare themselves; to understand how they can provide support, emotionally and physically, to their partner during labour.

Practicing yoga during pregnancy is very beneficial and promotes peaceful and stress free childbirth; encourage your partner to try it. In case of discomfort or pain she should immediately stop and inform the doctor.

When to take her to the hospital?

Pregnant mothers get increasingly uncomfortable as labour approaches, however, don’t rush to the hospital because if you show up too early they will just send you back home; and, anyway, she would be more comfortable at home where she can rest. Head to the hospital when either water has broken and/or contractions are strong, 5 minutes apart and have been going on for an hour.

How to take her comfortably to the hospital?

Work out how you will get to the hospital 3 weeks before due date because you could need to go there at any time of the day or night. If you are going to drive there then make sure your car has enough petrol at all times. You can keep some maternity pillows, a blanket and towel in the car for her comfort.

Remember to keep emergency numbers ready, in case, you need them. Keep family members informed at all times especially as soon as you leave for the hospital.

What all should I pack for the hospital?

Keep hospital bag ready 3 weeks before due date; you can refer to this hospital packing list to help you pack. Apart from this, pack essential items like photo ID, insurance information (if any), phone chargers, snacks or juice, towels and other personal items required.

Keep some candy; it will help keep her throat moist during labour. You should also pack a change of clothes and prescribed medicines (if any) for yourself.

You will need to pack a few things for your partner for after birth as well. There would be postpartum bleeding and a pair of period panties and sanitary pads is a wise choice; carry smart nursing kurti that would make her feel comfortable and good and will also be practical for breastfeeding the baby. Don’t forget to carry a coming home outfit for the baby, a warm blanket and some diapers!

Should I stay with my partner during childbirth?

Decide this after talking to your partner and understanding what you both are okay with. Nowadays, dads want to be there to help their partner and several moms have said that it is indeed comforting. However, it is a matter of preference and is different for everyone. Also, ask your doctor as hospitals may have rules about involvement of dads in delivery.

All the best new dads 🙂

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