
6 Important Tips To Prevent C-Section Delivery

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6 Important Tips To Prevent C-Section Delivery

C-Sections should be totally avoided unless there are medical complications. It is definitely an expert opinion that these surgeries are performed too frequently and sometimes for totally avoidable reasons.

There are additional risks and proven extended recovery periods associated with C-sections. You can avoid them by taking these steps:

1. Choosing The Right Doctor

It is really important to choose the right doctor to take care of you during pregnancy. You should check with your referrals about the birthing technique favored by the Doctor and also ask the Doctor for an opinion about C – Section and Natural Birth. It is obvious you should choose Doctors who favour Natural Birth.

2. Choosing The Right Hospital / Clinic

C-Sections are a good revenue source for Hospitals as they are more expensive than natural birth. Good hospitals do not differentiate between C-Section and natural birth and they offer a common package. It is advisable for you to choose such Hospitals for your birthing. Almost always the Doctor will have a say in the Hospital. Hence you should do combined research for choosing both.

3. Lamaze / Natural Birthing Classes

It is possible to learn to manage pain through breathing techniques. Lamaze and Natural birthing classes are excellent places to learn these techniques.

You can check our blogs on Pranayama or Yogic breathing during pregnancy and complement Lamaze with it.

4. Diet

Quick weight gain and obesity are one of the biggest contributing factors to requiring a Cesarean procedure. It is extremely important to maintain a healthy diet plan. The diet plan should consist of four food groups: Proteins, Fruits and Vegetables, Dairy and Grains

It is worthwhile to get a good diet plan written by your Doctor.

5. Exercise

All of us have heard about women of yesteryears who continue to indulge in normal physical labour till their last trimester which helped them to have a natural and easy labour.

Unless you are advised by your Doctor to avoid exercise it is extremely important to indulge in moderate and low-impact exercise. Recommended activities include yoga, walking and swimming

It is important to avoid exercises where you lie flat on your back and contact sports like badminton, tennis and squash.

Also read: The Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

6. Wait Till The Appropriate Moment

Your doctor would have advised you to time your contractions when you get into labour. More often than not, couples get admission to the hospital much before that time. It is preferable to be in the comfort of your home as much as possible without visit restrictions rather than in a sterile hospital environment. If you have the Doctor / Nurse on the call, they will guide you to the right time. This definitely reduces the instances of artificial inducements and other techniques which increases the possibility of a C-Section.

Make sure that you have the Hospital Package with all the maternity & nursing essentials ready so that you do not forget anything in a hurry before admission to the Hospital.

Also read: 7 Must-Have Hospital Bag Essentials for New Moms


Taking care of yourself and your baby is important during pregnancy. This includes eating healthy foods and staying active through activities such as walking or yoga. You can also attend classes to learn about childbirth and locate a doctor and hospital that will assist you in having a natural birth if possible. Doing all of these things increases your chances of having a happy and healthy delivery without the need for a C-Section.

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